martes, 10 de julio de 2012

Fourth promise of God

"You will know you are with me and I'm whith you when after working six days you'll take a Sabbath, a Day for Rest. This day will be sacred for you. That doesn't mean you need to dedicate this day to me, because all days are mine. I'm the creator of life and time. You will dedicate this day to your family and your beloved ones. Six days at week you will make money for your living. One day at week you will invest your time and love in you and your family. In the Sabbath, the Day of Rest, you will not work for money but do all things for love, for joy, for God to God, for greater porpuses than just earthly material things. And then will came a moment when every day will be your Sabbath, a day to spent quality time with you, with your family, your community and finally with your God. The day to contemplate and enjoy everything I had created for you."
—Marco Rubio's Gospel of Joy 乂 ◠ ‿ ◠ 乂

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