miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

It's Time to Fish Different

Luke 5:1-11 (Amplified Bible) (The Message) (New Living Translation)

Many of the great geniuses who changed the world were considered crazy in their times.
Copernicus, Christopher Columbus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, Leo Tolstoy, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Kinsey, Bill Gates, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pastor Joel Osteen, Dolores Huerta, César Chávez, Father Alejandro Solalinde, Sister Consuelo Morales, Sister Anastasia Jaramillo, they are just a few.
They were ridiculed, they suffered oppression and some of them were killed because they were considered "dangerous" to the community by refusing to do things as they had always done when they saw that there were better ways to do them.
For this reason they were called crazy and seen as "freaks."
But crazy is not that one who dares to do things differently.
Crazy is someone who always doing the same things in the same ways always expect to have different results.
It's like the fat guy who every day wants to lose weight but he swallows with singular joy up to 3 burgers at dinner, as always.
It's like the unmarried woman who every day dreams of marrying but she refuses to go to a romantic date, as always.
It's like the girl that every day experiences the scorn from her peers for her appearance but she erefuses to modify her dressing style, as always.
It's like the gay boy to whom every day otrer guys break his heart and he does not understand the reason of his bad luck in love but he falls in love only to those men who seek just sexual satisfaction without compromise rather than a real relationship, as always.
If you want different results, if you want to experience miracles in your life, if you want to transform your world, no longer do what you always do and start doing things differently.
Casts your nets out on the other side of the boat.
No matter if what you do has been done that way forever, through generations, it's time to take risks and to fish on the other side, to fish different.
It's time to lose the fear and risk to receive so many blessings that you can not hold them in your boat and threaten to sink it.
It's your chance to receive the gift of being a fisher of dreams, a fisher of desires, a fisher of joys.
Do you catch the idea?

—Marco Rubio's Gospel of Joy 乂 ◠ ‿ ◠ 乂

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